Denmark is ranked as the happiest country often enough that they get to brag about it. The way Americans brag about their military or Brasil their football teams. Unfortunately, Asger is a Dane who drags on the average. A rocky childhood left him depressed and anxious. These mental states are difficult to change, so for me this picture is a very happy one! Here is Asger with a big grin, the kind only a dirt bike can provide.

Before this picture was taken, we sat down and had a serious talk about safety, the importance of having a motorcycle license and the stupidity of rash action.

So, I said. Have you ever driven a motorcycle before? 

No, Asger replied.

You don’t have a license do you? 

I plan to get one at some point. 

Well, you’re European so you can drive a manual right? 

Yeah of course. 

Cool. Knowing how to use a clutch is the hardest part. I think you’ll be fine. What do you think? 

Sure, I definitely want to try. 

Due to strict Thai law and careful adherence to every nuance of the legal code, at the shop we had a hell of a time convincing them to let us rent the bike (here’s the money, here’s the keys). Asger got on the back and I drove us to the 7-Eleven parking lot so he could practice. This picture was taken minutes afterwards. There’s little in the world that cheers me more than riding a motorcycle, and this picture shows that I’m not the only one.